Strategic Communications – From product to impact: A guide to enhance the value and impact of communications

When done with purpose, strategy, and planning, communications can be a valuable asset for any organization. This module presents Maliasili Initiatives’ approach to strategic communications and shares insights on, and methods for, the process. It may be of interest to organizations that want to strengthen their communications capacity in order to enhance their overall performance, and it was designed specifically for African civil society organizations working in the natural resources, land rights, and conservation sectors.

From fundraising to advocacy, communications has the potential to enhance the growth and performance of an organization. Yet, as is explained in this document, communications is a chronically underinvested feature within an organization, especially with small to medium sized organizations working in the natural resource sector in Africa. Therefore, it’s not surprising that many of the organizations we work with identify communications as one of their weakest areas and one where they see Maliasili Initiatives’ support as having the potential to lead to significant change for them as an organization.


Year Published: 2016
Uploaded on: Jan 26, 2016
Issues: Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Paralegals, Environmental Justice, Generalist Legal Services Tool Type: Manuals & Guides, Monitoring, Evaluation, & Case Management Forms Method: Improving Governance, Accountability and Transparency Languages: English Regions: > Global, Eastern Africa