Training Manual on Housing, Land, and Property

The Norwegian Refugee Council, in collaboration with the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre with funds provided by the Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) has developed a new training course on Housing, Land and Property.

About the manual:

Housing, land and property (HLP) issues are at the core of NRC’s programmatic and advocacy activities. Assisting individuals and groups to access their HLP rights is one of the main objectives of NRC’s Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) programme, while Shelter and Food Security programmes also explicitly include HLP dimensions. Addressing HLP issues is fundamental to contribute to durable solutions and protection of the rights of displaced and other conflict affected populations.

In 2010, it became clear that despite growing awareness on this topic, there were insufficient training materials available to suitably improve the understanding of HLP issues among humanitarian organisations across countries, contexts and sectors. In order to address this, NRC in collaboration with IDMC and with funds provided by ECHO developed a training course on HLP that can be adapted to different country programmes and training needs.

The NRC HLP Training Manual is currently available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic and consists of the following thematic areas:

  • Module No. 1: An introduction to Housing, Land and Property
  • Module No. 2: The Housing, Land and Property International Legal Framework and Principles
  • Module No. 3: Housing, Land and Property during internal displacement
  • Module No. 4: Women’s Housing, Land and Property rights
  • Module No. 5: Housing, Land and Property in urban contexts
  • Module No. 6: Addressing Housing, Land and Property conflicts
  • Module No. 7: Housing, Land and Property and durable solutions

To request a copy of the training manual, please visit the NRC’s website here.

Year Published: 2010
Uploaded on: May 30, 2013
Last Updated: Dec 04, 2015
Issues: Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Paralegals, Environmental Justice, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Women's Rights Tool Type: Training Resources & Popular Education Target Population: Urban Languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish Regions: > Global