A toolkit to support conservation by indigenous peoples and local communities: building capacity and sharing knowledge for indigenous peoples’ and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs)

This toolkit is a selection of practical resources developed to empower local communities and indigenous peoples to effectively manage Indigenous peoples’ and Community Conserved territories and Areas (ICCAs). It brings together a number of tools and guides useful for building local capacities. The toolkit also includes a range of case studies to highlight the diversity of approaches that communities already use to manage their own areas, and to showhow these lessons can be applied to form a “global learning network” of ICCAs.


The majority of conservation tools developed to date have been designed primarily for protected area managers, practitioners, or government agencies. In parallel, a growing number of tools and guides are being written for community-based organisations, particularly for those living in particular habitats (i.e. forests, coasts etc.), or those facing specific threats (i.e. linked to global climate change or extractive industries).

The present toolkit was designed to bring together a number of these resources for the purpose of building local capacities to effectively manage ICCAs. Any community that governs and manages a spatial area of land or water, motivated by a variety of potential reasons, could find something of value in this toolkit. The content is organized into five main areas that build upon each other: (i) documenting presence; (ii) management planning; (iii) monitoring and evaluation; (iv) communication; and (v) finance and values. Some groups may find several of the themes to be useful, others may only be concerned with one particular theme. The toolkit also includes visual examples and stories from communities who are successfully using various approaches to conserve, protect and restore ICCAs.

The toolkit has been designed as a resource kit with a large number of URL links to the internet to facilitate the downloading of documents and visiting web-pages.

Year Published: 2013
Uploaded on: Jun 16, 2013
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2016
Issues: Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Paralegals, Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Traditional / Customary Justice Tool Type: Case Study, Manuals & Guides, Training Resources & Popular Education Method: Navigating Administrative Processes Languages: English Regions: > Global