Interights Case Selection Memorandum

This resource by Interights is a Case Selection Memorandum Template.

Interights’ case selection memo and its accompanying development and approval process will enable the ongoing review of the influence of Interights Strategic Litigation cases during their life time, including annually, at judgment and as part of long term ‘influence studies’. By using clear documentation it will be possible at the initial stage of strategic litigation selection to ‘capture’ the current thinking around important areas of professional understanding which may be important to people who were not present to understand what factors drove the adoption (or non-adoption) of a case into Interights portfolio.

The case selection memo template provides an indication of what information might be relevant in the longer term to the case. It should not be understood to imply that a case should be having impact at all levels. Instead it should be used as a tool for considering and anticipating the areas where the case might have impact in the medium or long-term. Another critical issue is that the extent to which influence can be anticipated or attributed will depend significantly on the role of Interights in the case.

These guidance notes present some explanation of what is meant by the different elements in the template. The guidance follows the structure of the template itself to ease use by those who are unfamiliar with the format.

Uploaded on: Jun 25, 2015
Last Updated: Dec 04, 2015
Issues: Community Paralegals, Generalist Legal Services, Legal Aid & Public Interest Law Tool Type: Monitoring, Evaluation, & Case Management Forms Languages: English Regions: > Global