Global Fund Round 11: Brief on Why and How to Address Hepatitis C in Global Fund Proposals

This brief offers advice on ways to make the case—both to your Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and in your Global Fund proposal itself— that hepatitis C matters for the HIV response. The Global Fund has indicated its willingness to support hepatitis C-related prevention, treatment, and advocacy efforts. However, that support can only be provided if countries request it and provide strong evidence and arguments in their proposals.

To effectively address hepatitis C among people living with HIV and people who inject drugs, it is recommended to focus on:

  1. Prevention and diagnosis of hepatitis C among these populations
  2. Provision of hepatitis C diagnostics and treatment to HIV/HCV co-infected people
Uploaded on: Apr 24, 2015
Last Updated: Dec 04, 2015
Issues: Financial Sustainability & Fundraising, Health, HIV/Aids Tool Type: Policy Papers / Briefs Method: Research Languages: English Regions: > Global