Community Justice: Indonesia

Across Indonesia, community-based legal aid services for the poor and vulnerable are provided by the local OBH office—OBH being the acronym for Organisasi Bantuan Hukum, or legal aid organization. In 2011, Indonesia adopted a national legal aid law that not only recognizes the critical role of the paralegals and that of the OBHs but provides public funding to strengthen organizational capacity and coverage for OBHs across Indonesia. Recognizing the need to scale up legal empowerment efforts in a diverse context like Indonesia, the Ministry of Justice launched an initiative in 2016 to encourage local governments to provide complimentary funding and link essential justice services with inclusive local development plans.

This fact sheet was published by the Open Society Foundations and outlines Indonesia’s National Justice Plan.

Year Published: 2016
Uploaded on: Jul 18, 2017
Issues: Community Organizing, Criminal Justice, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Livelihoods, Policy Advocacy, Right to Information Tool Type: Policy Papers / Briefs Method: Improving Governance, Accountability and Transparency, Promoting Citizens' Participation in Governance Languages: English Regions: Indonesia